Spokane: Wash: Hay una Colisión en la Ruta Estatal 2 entre Wilber y Creston, Un autobús escolar chocó con una ambulancia en condiciones extremadamente nebulosas. No hay lesiones todos en el autobús están bien y solo pequeña lesiones a uno de los conductores de la ambulancia. La carretera estará cerrada durante un período prolongado de tiempo.
#Update to SR 2 Collision: A school bus collided w/ an ambulance in extremely foggy conditions. There are no injuries to anyone on the bus and minor injuries to one of the riders in the ambulance. Road will be closed for extended period of time for removal. RS
— District 4 PIO (@wspd4pio) November 4, 2022
Update on the collision on US 2 between Wilbur and Creston. The roadway remains closed. If you have to travel through the area, use alternate routes. https://t.co/Bl4UWrOqQs
— WSDOT East (@WSDOT_East) November 4, 2022
A heads up to travelers that US 2 between Wilbur and Creston is fully blocked due to a collision. There is no signed detour at this time. Expect significant delays through the area. https://t.co/TR6M8df5Au pic.twitter.com/3VNZzq36Qm
— WSDOT East (@WSDOT_East) November 4, 2022